Using Cage for Adobe XD

Cage for Adobe XD is now available. With the Cage for Adobe XD plugin, you can iterate on your designs quickly - without all of the context switching. All the very best of Cage, directly inside Adobe XD.



Step 1. Downloading & Installing Cage for XD plugin

Open Adobe XD and navigate to Adobe XD plugin manager from the application menu:

Plugins > Discover Plugins

In the plugin manager, click the "search" icon.


In the search input type "cage" and hit <enter> and your keyboard.


Click install and wait for the plugin to download and install. Confirm the plugin is installed by going to the "Manage" tab of the Adobe XD plugin manager.


Navigate to Adobe XD plugin panel by clicking on the icon at the bottom left corner of the Adobe XD application. Then click on Cage for XD plugin within the plugin panel.


Step 2. Connecting to Cage


Signup for a new account

First, you'll want to either sign up for a new account or login to your current Cage account. So let's go ahead and sign up for a new account. Click "Sign up for Account". You'll need to enter account information on


Login with existing account

If you already have a Cage account, you can click "Login to Cage" button. This opens a new browser window. Login into Cage (if already logged in you will be redirected). 



The last step here is a simple confirmation. Wait for redirect and Cage for XD connection. 


Step 3. Using Cage for XD


Uploading Files

Upload an Entire Artboard. Select artboard within your Adobe XD document. Navigate to the desired project you would like to upload the artboard too in the Cage for XD panel. Click "Upload" in the Project files view. Add a note to go along with your new file if you like (it's optional). Select "private" if you would like the file to be shared with team members only.

Upload Individual Assets / Elements

Navigate to the project you would like to upload the file to within Cage and click the "Upload" button. Select the specific element you would like to upload as a file to Cage. Click the "Upload" button and wait for the file to upload. Once uploaded you will be redirected to the file detail view and feedback can now be added.

Leaving Feedback on Files

Navigate to the project & file in the Cage for XD plugin panel. Go to "Notes" view. Enter feedback and submit note.

Leaving feedback on files not currently open in XD

This works for any file within the Cage for XD plugin panel. Simply navigate to the desired file and leave feedback. This does not require the file to be opened as the current document in Adobe XD.

Adding annotations to assets within a document

This will show you how to create annotations from selected elements in artboard in Cage for XD. Follow previous "Leaving feedback on files" steps and ensure the current document loaded is the same file being viewed in the plugin panel. Ensure asset and/or element is selected within the artboard of the current document opened in Adobe XD.

Enter annotation feedback and submit note.

Showing and hiding annotations on artboards

To show or hide annotations on the artboard simply click the "Show/Hide Annotations" button found in the file detail view, under the "Leave Note" area and above the note list.

Annotations will be shown on top of the artboard.

Adding comments on discussions

Adding comments can be done in the following areas:

  • When replying to an annotation on a file
  • Adding a discussion to a task
  • Replying to a message on a project

Completing tasks

Tasks can be easily marked complete or incomplete via the Cage for XD panel plugin. Clicking the checkbox element will update the task status (similar to within Cage). Incomplete or "active" tasks look like this.


Tasks in Project details

Tasks can be found at both the project and file detail levels. Tasks that have been added to files automatically show up under the "Tasks on files" task list in the project details view.

Completing tasks on files

When a file has tasks added to it they'll show up under the "Tasks" tab of the file details view.

Note: Creating tasks via the Cage for XD panel is not currently supported.

Switching accounts

If you have access to multiple accounts within Cage, you can click on the profile avatar icon in the main screen of the panel.