How do my clients add Annotations to files?

Adding context with annotations will save you and your clients so much back and forth. Use annotations on files to highlight things, discuss changes, provide feedback on certain parts, or sketch on top to show and propose where things might moved to. There's a couple easy ways to add annotations and markup file:

Cursor-based Annotations (great when you have the panel docked and want to just preview the work)

  1. Click anywhere on a file to be show the annotation options
  2. Select a from a rectangle, ellipse, or a sketch tool
  3. Select a color and adjust the size of the lines too

See it in action below.

Annotations in the Comment Form (great when you want to start off by writing)

  1. Click "Add Feedback" 
  2. Write your feedback or comment
  3. Click "Attach Annotation" and select which tool you'd like to use
  4. Pick colors or adjust the size of the lines to